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What the FAQ? What is beard oil?

Guys. Welcome to "What The FAQ". Our new segment where we're going to be answering questions about our range, any hints and tips on using our products, and anything else that you can throw at us. My name is Richard. I am the APAC Sales Manager here at The Bearded Chap. Today I'm going to be tackling the question, what is beard oil?

Okay, so you've got a beard. It's starting to look fantastic. You're getting compliments, People are looking at you and you're going, Yeah, I'm really starting to love this. But, It's starting to get really uncomfortable and Your face is always itchy. Your beard hair is nowhere near as soft as the hair in your head and you start to get white flakes falling everywhere, all over your shirts. If you're anything like me, these discomforts are going to make you want to shave your beard off. STOP, Don't do it!  I've got some exciting news for you to solve that problem. You've got what we call Beard-druff. Beard-druff has to be the most annoying part of growing a beard. It's uncomfortable, It's itchy and in some really severe cases, it can actually hurt quite a bit. Now, how does this actually happen? As your beard grows , it need more nutrients in order to keep your beard hair healthy, sucking all the moisture from your face leaving you dry and itchy!  Sebum is responsible for moisturizing and hydrating your skin and hair, which is really important for having healthy skin. If you have too much your skin will become oily, possibly develop pimples, but if you don't have enough, it gets red, it gets itchy and actually develops as white flakes that go all over you.

what is beard oil bearded chap

When you grow a beard, especially if it's the first time you've ever tried your sebum production doesn't actually change. But the surface area it needs to cover grows as the beard hair grows out of your face. This stretches Sebum and unfortunately it means it's no longer as effective in hydrating the skin under your beard. If left unregulated. Your skin will become quite dry. Unfortunately, you'll develop what we call Beard-Ruff. How do you fix it, you ask? By moisturizing the skin under your beard. As a word of warning; Do not use a regular moisturizer because if you don't rub it in, it's white and it's going to look pretty sus. This is where beard oil comes in.

Beard oil is specifically formulated to be a hyper intensive moisturizer, assisting the sebum production in hydrating, moisturizing and nourishing the skin under your beard. This results in a healthier, fuller and more comfortable beard, preventing any redness, itchiness, or even that dreaded beard-ruff. Now you guys know why you use beard oil. But why use the bearded chap? Beard oil? Well, our beard oil was the very first Australian made beard oil on the market over nine years ago, and it took over nine months to develop to get that recipe right and we now have customers in over 51+ countries around the world who use our beard products. 

the bearded chap victor bravo beer beard oil

Our beard oil includes rosehip oil, which helps nourish and moisturize the skin. We've also thrown in Jojoba Oil, which helps reduce redness, assist in healing and prevent pimples. Our formula absorbs quickly into the skin, leaving no unnecessary grease or product buildup and incorporating this into your skincare routine. You're going to start to see results in as little as ten to 14 days.

All you need is one to four drops for a short beard, four to six drops for a longer style beard. Simply apply to your beard, making sure you start going against the grain so it actually gets the oil into the skin from there, Style as you like, to allow the oil to soak into the face. The best way to determine how much you're going to need because every person is different. Wait about an hour after you put it on. If your skin oily, you probably use a little bit too much. But if your beard is still dry, it's still itchy, there's still a bit of redness or flakes happening. You've not used enough so use a little bit more next time. If you'd like to check out our beard oil range click here.

Guys, this has been what the FAQ. Our new segment where we're answering your questions about our range and anything else you can throw at us. If you've liked the video, throw us a like, subscribe to our channel and make sure you comment below with any other questions that you have so we can tackle them next time on our videos.

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